


Below is a list of links you will find useful, please note these link to external websites and will open in a new window.


Driving Standards Agency, the government body that sets the driving test.

 This site has information about the  test, training aids for sale, and it is where you can book your test.



Fantastic website with tons of useful information.

As it says, Everything for the Learner Driver.   



Another great website

Lots of useful info.




The AA website for new drivers

Prepare for your driving tests, book lessons, check out top tips, games, quizzes, and much more .


Producers and suppliers of many useful DVDs & CD Roms

Including the full range of "Driving Test Success" titles.


This website has been created by RoSPA to help parents and guardians to ensure that their children who are learning to drive get the most benefit from their learning period.